public school black sweater

Time Warp

Here is an outfit that feels as if it is in a time warp. From the 1970’s to the 1990’s, come and time travel with me!

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

When one of my favorite bloggers, Aimee Song, of the über popular blog, “Song Of Style,” posted her recipe for the Best Roasted Sweet Potatoes, I sat up and took notice! I served it up last week to rave reviews by Jeff and Yale. I recreated the recipe using an olive oil atomizer, which cuts the fat significantly.

Mighty Company Leather Jacket

Suiting Up

I never thought of myself as a biker girl. But after viewing the shots of this outfit, I think I may just suit up!

Lesley Wolman

All things fabulous! ❤️️

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