When it comes to colors and mood enhancement, red and pink are the colors of choice. I don’t know what it is about this color combo, but it always seems to be associated with happiness, and love. That could explain why these two colors are most often used to advertise Valentine’s Day. With that in mind, this outfit came together quite quickly.
Kerri Rosenthal is an artist, interior designer and stylist. Her home and accessories brand also extends to her own clothing line. Her drippy heart series is what put her on the map. It appears on this sweater and I cannot tell you how many people stop me and recognize it. “Is that a Kerri Rosenthal?” “Yes,” I answer, “it sure is!” I love that! You can check out her creations HERE.
I also chose to wear these trousers, which are part of a pantsuit by The Kooples, to show you how to break up a suit and get more wear out of it.
Happy Valentine’s Day xoxo
I couldn’t love this outfit more!! The colors, the silhouette. Everything is perfect,