The Forever Fierce campaign celebrates women at midlife, by featuring accomplished, strong and smart women who radiate beauty from the inside out. It is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to six of my favorite women. Read below as they share their thoughts and wisdom and what being fierce at midlife means to them! To read all of the posts, please click on the link HERE. These women will inspire you to live your life in the fullest way. I am so proud to be member of this unique, supportive and thoughtful group of women.
We are women, hear us roar
In numbers too big to ignore!
Trudy Callan

What does Fierce at midlife mean to me?
It means being comfortable in my own skin and accepting myself as I am, flaws and all, and being authentic, genuine, sincere and the best version of me.
Encouraging and inspiring others in their life and health journeys, with a focus on self-care, because one cannot pour from an empty cup.
Not allowing society’s or others’ opinions and expectations to define me or negativity to pull me down. If someone says I can’t do something, I will show them I can!
It means allowing myself to dream, set goals and go for what I want in life, knowing that I am in control of writing the next chapter and that age is not a limitation. I can choose to make it amazing.
It means embracing my passions and continuing to grow as a person.
Trudy is 52 and resides in Houston, Texas. @trudycallan
Tani Isaacs

I am 57 and live/work in Santa Monica, CA @beltinisantamonica
I thought of starting my business (beltinisantamonica.com) four years ago at age 53, as the convergence of all the pieces of my past experiences fit into the right place. Designing and putting into production my own line of convertible mini bags took me way outside my comfort zone, but was well worth the leap of faith.
The community of women I have discovered on this journey have been incredibly supportive, an unexpected perk. They encourage me to be my own fierce self. I’m so excited to collaborate with and advocate for these amazing women. I feel as though I have reached a point in my life where wisdom and strength are the direct outcome of my life experience. My fierceness emanates from this very life experience. It provides me with the confidence to take on life’s challenges both for myself and for others, who are struggling to find their voice.
Esther Feder

To me, being fierce in midlife means being unapologetically yourself. Regardless of who you are, as long as you are true to yourself and to your core values, others around you will notice and be drawn to your infectious spirit.
Being fierce, at any age, is all about feeling empowered from within—being able to take on the world with honesty, love, confidence… and a little bit of style never hurts. That’s where we come in: at A World Curated, our mission is to ensure that each individual client feels like the best versions of themselves when they look in the mirror, not the best version of somebody else. To be fierce is to practice self-love, and to shamelessly let the world know just how much YOU love being YOU.
Esther is 53 and is originally from South Africa but her current “location status” is Los Angeles. @aworldcurated
Robin Terman

Who doesn’t want to feel fabulously fierce at 50? Well, I know that’s the case for me!
I have so much gratitude at this time in my life for my health, family and friendships that have developed over decades. I feel so lucky to have stayed relevant in the women’s accessory business for more than 30 years. It feels so good to be able to trust my instincts to create beautiful jewelry that can be worn from day to evening without a second thought.
I plan on being fierce well beyond 50! Who’s coming along with me?! Xoxo
Robin Terman is 59 years old and lives in Los Angeles @robintermanjewelry
Lori Tessel

When I turned 40, I felt an enormous freedom. Something about this number gave me more permission than I felt I had in my 30’s, but turning 50 was like becoming a superhero.
My desire to grow, learn, deepen my connections to my loved ones and meet new challenges was a constant thought and motivation. Embracing life’s joys and facing serious family crises allowed me to see myself in new and gratifying ways. As I approached my 50’s, I began a blog, https://www.facebook.com/MySolutionRoom/ to share these thoughts about being a woman, a wife, a mother and a professional.
My life’s mission has been to solve problems, find answers and create opportunities to connect to others. At this time in my life, I’m doing that with a fierceness, hunger and gratitude. Days are not perfect. Sometimes when I meditate, I hold out both hands with palms up to visualize my simultaneous feelings of happy/sad, gratitude/resentment, satisfied/hunger. Now in my 50’s, my greatest strength is to know that the complexities of our feelings are fluid and I am mindfully riding the waves.
Lori is 55 and lives in Los Angeles @loritessel
Andrea Waters

Being fierce means taking risks, thinking outside the box and not letting a number, (age 61), define me. I am looking forward to always learning, growing and being ready to take on a new challenge.
I own Great Labels, a high end luxury consignment boutique located in a Santa Monica, ca. I have been selling beautiful, curated luxury goods for over 20 years and love what I do!
Andrea is 61 and lives in Santa Monica @greatlabelsla